Our Classes module allows members to sign up for group exercise classes online. It handles sophisticated rules, yet is very simple and user friendly. After logging on members sign up with a single click. The Classes module is option driven and all options are included in your package. Pick and choose the features that suit your club.
Features and options :
Set limits to online signup spots available and limit to class size overall.
Waitlists built in.
Option : E-mail waitlisted members when they get a spot.
Create membership classes.
Set opening and closing times.
Create recuring classes with one extra click
Option : Hide the names on the signup sheets from members.
Quick-click on member’s name as sign up members arrive or
Print out alphabetical list of sign ups
Option : confirmation e-mails on signup/cancel
Successful signups get instant confirmation number
Waitlisted members get instant waitlist number
Set class names, instructors & colours for each class
Option : Display signups on prominently on a big LCD monitor
and much more.